Hello, My Name is Bunny! Paris wins Gold!
Exciting news! The third book in our chapter book series, Hello, My Name is Bunny! Paris, has just won Gold in the 2023 Nautilus Book Awards in the Children’s Illustrated Fiction category for six to nine year olds! We’re proud of every award we’ve won so far, but this award is especially important to us!
Founded more than 20 years ago, the Nautilus Book Awards were established to honor books dedicated to creating “Better Books for a Better World.” Our ambition to make life better and kinder for animals and people is what inspired us to create this book series in the first place. So, this recognition fills us with particular pride!
From the first book in the series to the third (and the fourth later this year), our goal has been two-fold: We want to raise money for shelters like KittyKind NYC, where we adopted our adored—and adorable—tuxedo cat Bunny. And we want Bunny’s whacky and fun adventures to help teach children the power of kindness, empathy, and working together.
The Nautilus Book Awards are “named for the mollusk whose beautiful, pearl-lined shell contains chambers of increasing size, which the sea creature constructs for itself as it grows. (It) symbolizes both ancient wisdom and expanding horizons, the elegance of nature, and a continual growth of understanding and awareness.”

We believe books are the perfect vehicle to inspire children (and adults) to create change that benefits everyone. In each of Bunny’s adventures—in New York City, London, and Paris so far—she encounters a friend in need and—as an international feline do-gooder—she has no choice but to summon all her courage, creativity, and compassion in order to help.
Our books and their messages can start conversations between children, their parents, and their teachers about kindness and empathy at a young enough age to make a difference later in life. They can also help children think differently about their responsibility towards animals, the vulnerable, and those less fortunate than they are. We have lots of work ahead of us!
In the meantime, we celebrate our Nautilus Book Award with the hope that all our books will eventually become known as better books for a better world!
To buy any of the Hello, My Name is Bunny! books visit our Shop page here.
Matt Bloom and Shelley Simmons-Bloom